From MPD comes a warning to residents that they have received recent reports of a mountain lion in the area:
There are unconfirmed reports that a mountain lion was spotted twice within the past two months in the area near Bladensburg Road and Banneker Drive.
Andy Solberg
Commander, 5D
ANC Commissioner Henderson warns residents that the news of mountain lions may be exciting, but also worrisome. She notes that the mountain lions underscore a considerable food source in the area:
This news is both exciting and cause for concern. Increasingly, the habitat for wild animals is reduced due to development for our needs. The Costco and Ryan homes projects consumed a considerable portion of habitat. It makes sense that a mountain lion would be seen in the Fort Lincoln community because of the large deer population there, underscoring a considerable food source. I am intrigued by the numerous raccoons, foxes and opossums that scamper up and down our streets after sundown; however mountain lions are dangerous. If they are indeed in the area ( I believe they are) they are likely in the Arboretum and Fort Lincoln.
Does the Fifth District and Animal Control have a public safety plan to address this issue? What is the plan if someone shoots at a mountain lion as a result of a confirmed sighting? I recommend that 5D, Animal Control, DOH and DPW collaborate to create a public service announcement to educate the public. It is imperative that citizens move quickly to properly containerize all trash as well as safeguarding small pets.
Commissioner Kathy Henderson, 5D05
Kathy Henderson